This morning I was up at 6 a.m. I know hard to believe seeing that Kendall is still at scout camp and I had nobody to wake me up! Am I (gasp) turning into a morning person? Nah, it isn't gonna happen! (I hope not at least!) Well, what's a girl to do that early in the morning? I decided to get down to my gym. I have to tell you that the single bestest (is that even a word? its early remember!) thing about my gym is that I do not have to watch sports center. When I had a gym membership that was the thing that I dreaded the most. I was there for about 2 hours and the only thing that they showed on the tvs were sports or espn. Come on! Who wants to watch that? As if exercising is not torture enough! So what have I done so far today? Everyone is going to be so proud of me. Today I have elliptical for 20 minutes, bike for 20 minutes, treadmill for 20 minutes ( I even ran for 4 of those minutes!) and 120 abcoaster crunches. And I did it whilest watching house hunters, 3 episodes, no commericals. (gotta love the dvr!) Plus, I have drank 16 ounces of water. Hopefully I can stay on calorie track today! I want to hit the 150's some time next week! What is everyone else up to???
I also DVR House Hunters.. I especially love the international ones.