Don't you think that it would be a great idea to have a daily challenge? I do, so here you go.
I challenge everyone who reads this blog (you know who you are) to jump rope today for 5 minutes. For those of you who think that this will be easy smeazy mac and cheezy, you can go for 10 minutes. For those of you going phew, I don't have to do this challenge because I don't have a jump rope. Oh, you are so wrong, it turns out that you don't actually need a rope, you can pretend! The rope will probably just mess up your coordination anyway. So, if you feel you need something in your hand and you don't have a rope, grab something that you can hold in your hand. You determine how heavy, this is resistance training. You could grab something like 2 king size candy bars (wait, that might be a bad idea), milk jugs, hand weights, water bottles......etc......you are smart, think of something! If you can't do the 5 minutes in a row, do it for like a minute....rest....minute....rest. If you can go for 5 minutes, do the 10. (If you can do the 10, you stink! I mean good job!)
Oh, one last word of caution! For those of you blessed in the upper torso region, remember to secure the girls, we don't want any black eyes! And, for those you that have had newborn size object pass thru your pelvis, don't for get to....go...(you know what I mean) or wear proper protection....before you try this challenge!
Good luck!!
Okay people, challenge for Sunday afternoon, instead of the afternoon nap on Sunday, how about take your Book of Mormon for a walk? Since Sunday should be a day of rest, I challenge each of you to walk as far as it takes you to read a chapter (leave the dog at home, note to self) and then try to jog the same distance back. Start with 1 Nephi chapter 1 if you must or where ever you are - or if you have it on cassette listen to a chapter in the time you walk. If not just go for a leisurely stroll and then sprint back if you can) See ya.