Monday, July 13, 2009

A new week...

Welcome, welcome Monday morning, no more rest and lots of care.......It's a new week. Time to refocus and commit. How did everyone do over the weekend? Kendall made me fall off the wagon by making brownies. He is very naughty. I am going to do super good today to make up for that moist and gooey treat. I am not going to be able to get the exercise in until this evening, so I am going to focus on eating healthy today.
I was thinking of a challenge for us. I challenge everyone to "play" on the stairs for 5 minutes. Okay, not really play, but you know go up and down them. Hopefully everyone has some stairs that they can use. If not, just go back to the jump rope challenge. Maybe you could run up the stairs and then walk down. I suggest that you not fall down the stairs, but the choice is up to you. Remember to keep good posture and pull those abs in! (I have a very difficult time finding the abs, I think that they up and left my body!)
Update: So this evening I was able to do my regular. 20 minute elliptical, 20 minute bike, 20 minute treadmill and 120 abcoaster crunches. I was super stinky and sweaty when I was done and nobody wanted a hug! :0( Oh well, their loss....right?????

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