Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 9

Hello.........Today when I weighed in I was 163.2  this is a .8lb loss.  This brings the total to 7.8 lbs.  I am not gonna lie.......Yesterday was super hard and it took a lot not to just give in and scrap the diet.  I hope that today is a better day.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 8

Weigh in today was a disappointing 164.0 lbs.  A gain of 1 lb over the weekend.  Weekends are so hard for me.  Today is a fresh start.  But lets look back at last week successes.  I did lose a total of 7 lbs last week.  YES!!!!  Go me!  Let's see if I can get that going again this week.  I vow to do good again!

Day 7

I don't want to talk about what happened today.....lets just say that I know that I will do better tomorrow.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 6

Weigh in was at 163.0 lbs. I was down another 1.2 lbs.  YES!!!! Even after eating out yesterday!  This brings the total down to 8 lbs.

Day 5

Weigh in 164.2, down another .8 lbs. making a total of 6.8 lbs total Yipee!  Today was a busy day, I had breakfast/lunch with my sister and two friends.  We had an awesome time.  I was able to find something that I could eat at Village Inn.
I had 2 egg whites and a fruit cup.  I have no idea on the calories, but I know that it fit with the diet.  For dinner I had a taco salad.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day four

Good morning.  I am still hanging in there.  This morning I weighed in at 165.0 lbs.  This is another 1 lb loss, bringing my total to 6 lbs.  YES!  Today I am sore, everywhere.  Doing my 5k training last night really did a number on me.  See you later when it is meal time.

For lunch I made grilled salmon with lemon with broccoli.  Um....Yum!

Salmon 130 cal
Broccoli 68 cal

Total calories so far today 198 and I am up to 90 oz water.

I was able to get my 25 minutes of exercise on during the little's nap time today.  It was good to get it done and out of the way.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 3

WooHoo, this morning I weighed in at 166.0 lb, a 2.4 lb loss.  This brings my total so far to 5 lbs!  I LIKE IT!!!!!  This morning however, I was not able to get up and exercise.  I had one of those nights last night that I could just not fall asleep.  I did the "if I fall asleep right now, I will get this many hours of sleep" all night.  I was still awake at 2:34 am.  I just could not drag myself up at 5:00 am.  I will either get my exercise in during the little's nap time of after dinner.

In other unrelated news my water cup has vanished.  I have been using the same 32 oz special edition Cowboys vs Aliens Slurpee cup all week.  Now one of my kids has stolen it!  I really like the cup, because I just have to fill and drink it 5 times during the day to get 150 oz.  Drinking 10 cups that are 16 oz feels like so much more water.  I hope that it turns up soon!

For lunch I have been really liking the salads lately.  I switched it up a little bit this time.

Chicken 3.5 oz  87 cal
Lettuce 3.5 oz   15 cal
Strawberries 50 cal
light raspberry dressing 2 tsp 30 cal

Total calories for the meal was 182 calories. So far I have choked down 80 oz of water, I am gonna need to get me some lemons and limes so I can change the taste of water if I am going to keep up on getting the right amount of water.

For dinner I went with the stand by again

Chicken 3.5 oz  87 cal
Lettuce 3.5 oz   15 cal
1/2 can mandarin oranges in orange juice 50 cal
baked won ton strips 35 cal
light asian dressing 2 tsp 30 cal

Total calories for the meal was 217 calories

Snack fruit and jello 55 cal

Total calories for the day was at 454 and water intake was 150 oz.  

I was able to fit my exercise in last night during the 1st part of American idol.  I was sad that nobody came in to keep me company or exercise with me. :0(

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day two

This morning I was able to again drag my butt out of bed and get on the treadmill at 5:07 AM! Ugh! How I do no like the wee hours of the morning.  Today on the schedule was 25 minutes of brisk walking on the treadmill.  CHECK.  After my brisk walk, I went again and laid on my bed until the little"s started to arrive at 7:20.  When I weighed in this morning I was at 168.4 lbs.  This shows a 2.6 lb loss from yesterday.  Hopefully, I can keep those numbers coming all week.  I will check in later at lunch time.

So far on the water  I have drank 90 oz.  For lunch I had some of my favorite foods, they really did not go together, but they were good.

Crab 80 cal
Broccoli  68 cal
1/2 grapefruit 40 cal

Calories so far today 188....looks like I MIGHT HAVE ROOM FOR A SNACK TONIGHT!

For dinner, I had kinda of a rushed affair.  I had a meeting that I had to go to, so I went ahead and had the mandarin chicken salad again.  Still yummy!  So dinner was 217 calories.  After my meeting I came home and had a apple for 72 calories and at the end of the day I had a sugar free jello for 5 calories.  This brings the total calories for the day to 482.  My water intake was 150 oz.

On a side note, I had (really I did) to make chocolate chip cookies today.  I did not even try the dough and I did not have a cookie.  They smelled amazing though!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day one (again)

So far so good today.  This morning I got up at 5 o'clock in the AM (I must be CRAZY!) and started my 5k training.  Week one involves a 5 minute brisk walk and then 60 seconds running 90 seconds walking for 20 minutes.  This makes a total of 25 minutes.  Gonna take it easy on the exercise for the next 3 weeks because you are not supposed to do much on the HCG diet because you only consume around 500 calories.  I think that around a half hour a day should be okay as long as I take a vitamin b 12 drops before I exercise for energy.

So far, so good.  I have managed to drink around 90 oz of water and it is just about one pm.  On a side note,  I have had to visit the little girls room about 10 times already.  Geesh.. the water just runs right through me!


For lunch today I had a Mandarin Chicken Salad.  It was yummy! I started cooking chicken in the crock pot about 8:30 am so it was nice and tender for my salad. (I cooked 6 meals worth of chicken) Here is the calorie breakdown:

Chicken 3.5 oz  87 cal
Lettuce 3.5 oz   15 cal
1/2 can mandarin oranges in orange juice 50 cal
baked won ton strips 35 cal
light asian dressing 2 tsp 30 cal

Total calories for the meal was 217 calories
Total tastiness of the meal Delicious!

So, for dinner I just went ahead and had the same thing that I had for lunch.  It was so tasty the 1st time and it was already cooked, I just had to assemble.  The second time did not disappoint at all.  Later in the evening I had a snack of some strawberries that had 50 cal.  So, my total calories for the day was 484 and my water intake was 150 oz.

I'd like to welcome myself back.......

Well, I find myself coming back to an old friend, or should I say foe? Either way, I am back. Why do I struggle with my weight? Anyway.........AUGH!!!!!! Okay, I am going to try the HCG diet once again. I had great sucess about 2 years ago, so here we go. Lets just say that I hope I have better success at the HCG diet then getting up at 5:30 am and running. Starting weight 171.0lbs Oh my heck, did I just actually post that number? Yikes! Pretend that you did not see it or that it is much lower. Okay? Okay! Goals: Lose 35 lbs and keep it off. Write in my food journal everyday. Drink at least 1 gallon of water per day. Rewards: 10 lbs - hair done, 20 lbs - pedicure 25 lbs- massage, and 30 lbs Shopping Spree. Sounds FUN! Okay, here we GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!