Friday, July 10, 2009

What the.....

Oh my HE-double-hockey-sticks! 165.3! I cannot believe that I just posted that number on a public blog! It has to be wrong! My drivers license says that I only weigh 135. Denial! How in the world did I let myself get this "scale challenged"? I was not receiving any comments from the family like: Wow, do you really think that you need to eat the whole box of zingers! or Hey mom, maybe you should try hydroxicut! As you can see, this is as much their fault as it is mine! This number I pledge will only go down!

**** This blog is like Las Vegas.......... right? What is seen on this blog, stays on this blog!****


  1. Hey I have a 140 on my scale this morning. Dolly and I have been walking the 5k route I took a couple of years ago since school got out every day but Sunday. It is also 5k of resistant training for me jsince I have an 80 bundle of kinetic energy on the other end of the leash. I can fast walk in in an hour, my goal is to get it down to 45 minutes before school starts, remember this is all uphill for half of the 5k. Good luck. Hey post any good exercises you know of that help to strengthen core muscles.

  2. Man who taught me how to type and spell? Excuse the extra j in since and two ins instead of it in. My English teacher Mrs. Richmond is turning over in her grave.
