Sunday, January 31, 2010

Back On Track

Okay, one of my best friends is getting married in May (in VA), so I am back on track to lose some serious weight before then. I want to look AWESOME when I go back and see old friends. I also want to go to some theme parks (Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens) and frankly, I won't fit comfortably into some rides at the size I'm at right now. (Or in a tiny plane seat, for that matter.)
So, I'm on a 1500 calorie diet/exercise plan. I started today and nailed it! I even stayed home all day and still didn't snack. (Our church got canceled b/c of a gas leak.)
My first goal is 13 pounds. This is leftover from the 22 pounds of my previous diet's first goal. So, I have kept 9 pounds off that I lost before. I am going to get up at 6:30am (I get Cristin's kids at 7:45am) and run on my elliptical for 20 minutes and also do a 10 minute ab workout tape I have. Abs of Steel. Oh yeah.
So, wish me luck, I'm a woman on a mission - my friend was supposed to get married in June, but moved it up to May, so I gotta get things done quick! My total goal before May is 30 pounds... a big number, but I can do it... right? ;)


  1. That's so great that you've kept off the 9 pounds! You can do the last 30! DETERMINATION goes a long way. I'll keep cheering you on.

  2. I second what Kari said, great job on keeping those 9 off! You can do it!! :)

  3. way to go Corynn, so far I've kept off the weight I lost with Mindy, I'm starting another round this month, to see if I can lose the last 10 I want to lose. Good luck to us all!!!
