Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 8

This morning I weighed in at 155.4. That is a 1.2 lb weight loss. I'll take it! That puts me at a total 5.2 lbs in 4 days! I am so excited.
I am also so sore today. I played in a volleyball tournament last night and played 8 matches. My knees hurt so bad. I am not sure if it is the HCG making them weak or me running around and diving on the floor like a moron. It could be both. This morning my stomach is a little upset, I think it is because I did not eat my apple last night until 9:30. I need to make sure and get all my calories consumed by 8:00 pm from now on.

10 drops HCG

10 drops HCG
3.5 oz crab 100 calories
3.5 tomatoes 20 calories
apple 72 calories
melba toast 50 calories

10 dropsHCG
3.5 oz crab 100 calories
apple 72 calories
broccoli 68 calories
melba toast 12 calories

Drank 120z water today
494 calories consumed today

Today was a hard day. I was out and about today and it was hard to get my drops on time and eat at good times. I did not cheat, but I am worried about the scale tomorrow. Weekends are going to be hard.

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