Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 46

Wow, I have been so busy lately. Not to busy to get on the scale, but to busy to write about it. I have stuffed the folloing in the last 3 days. Shopping....Jazz game....Shopping.....Wrapping......Shopping...Visiting Teaching....Shopping.........Wrapping.........Messiah......Shoveling Snow........Church.....Cleaning.....Laundry......Did I mention Shopping and Wrapping? I am still not done and I only have 10 days left.

Today when I got on the scale I was 143.6. I have gained a pound over the last 3 days. I am not to worried about it. I am only .2 lbs more than the last day of my diet. I am really gonna focus on the water and veggies today. I do have a sore throat. Hope that it feels better right away.
Oh, by the way, this is especially for my mom. It a way to get rid of the love handles... ;0)


  1. Hey, I said the love handles were gone, it's the tummy I'm working on now. 126 again today, I guess it's apples tomorrow, DANG!

  2. Mindy, sorry about the "Bread Ordeal" hope it lets up soon! 126 again this morning so another apple day, Friday is 21 days so I will hang on til then and then do another 21 days in a couple of months and see it I lose more. Feel better!!!
