What am I thinking???? I have been to Hell and back today! So I told you that I signed up for a Pilate's class. I loath Pilate's! I have no core. I can't even do the roll up. My abs exited my body during the 90's and I have not seen or used them since. Did you know that Pilate's exercises mostly use the ab muscle. WAA!! My class is 2 hours long. (it a Friday class that only meets once a week, so instead of being tortured once a week for an hour, I get 2 hours once a week!) I am pretty sure that I will die during this class. To make matters worse, I think that the other 15 people in the class are 19 years old and have taken Pilate's since they could walk. They should all be in Pilate's II or maybe even Pilate's XXIV. I am sure that they had a good laugh when leaving....did you see that old lady.......hahaha. My neck hurts so bad and I have a headache.
Enough whining already. I have never wanted to drop a class so bad, but guess what? I am going to stay in. My body needs this. I can't wait until December and the class is over though!